Quality management and audits
Quality management and audits of the printed circuit boards produced worldwide are an important part of ensuring consistently high and consistent quality. Problems are identified and corrected at an early stage. These audits are likewise used as a training tool to qualify new suppliers to meet our demanding quality standards.
Static auditing
Static audits provide us with evidence of agreements regarding quality and are performed in regular review cycles.
Different perspectives are used. In addition to an examination of the system, i.e. the existence and application of the various quality management tools, the products themselves are also examined with regard to customer requirements. The third part of our static audits includes an analysis of the processes and procedures for specified benchmarks and with regard to process optimization.
Dynamic auditing
In dynamic quality assurance, audits take on an expanded significance. They are used for long-term planning and recording of development trends and consequently provide important feedback on the effectiveness of the measures and changes implemented. Not only quality is examined, but also management issues such as corporate responsibility, responsibilities and resource management.
In particular in the area of product realization, we attach importance to quantitative measurements and analyses.
EVYTRA Inspectors
The EVYTRA inspectors are engineers who are integrated into the production process in Asia. A simulation of the incoming goods inspection, as it takes place in Europe, is carried out on site in Asia to ensure the high quality standards. This simulation takes place before the goods leave the supplier. Delivery without approval and test reports is not possible.