
Information according to § 5 TMG

Sturmbühlstr. 180 – 184
78054 VS-Schwenningen

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Handelsregister-Nr. HRB 600728
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기술적 실현

soliq GmbH / stoecklin.de
Christophstr. 21
D-88662 Überlingen


zwanzigelf marketing service GmbH
Konrad Adenauer Ufer 31
office 2011
50668 Köln
Martin Isenschmid

I also thank you very much for the top message and your support in this matter! We appreciate this very much. Through the early delivery, you have saved us a lot of trouble with our customer!

Also, love to your colleagues in the assembly of components, who made an extra effort for us! That's what I call top customer service.

Martin Isenschmid Impact Acoustic AG, Chief Purchasing Officer
Fabio Zürn

For this reason, I would like to thank you in advance for the super support and cooperation. As I have already informed you, I am also passing on this positive feedback internally. The entire, open communication is very exemplary and so we were able to deal with the issue quickly.

Fabio Zürn Oertli Instrumente AG, Quality assurance
Cornelius Berns

Dear FELA team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your outstandingly fast feedback as well as the samples! A cooperation as one would wish!

Cornelius Berns Thermokon Sensortechnik GmbH, Head of Sales