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당사는 책임감을 갖고 변화를 만들고자 하는 팀 플레이어를 찾고 있습니다. 인턴십 또는 휴직 기간 동안 일상 업무를 지원하며 그 과정에서 회사를 알아가게 됩니다.

안타깝게도 현재 인턴십이나 휴가 기간 동안 채용할 수 있는 자리가 없습니다. 하지만 원치 않는 지원서를 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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You must read and type the 5 chars
그래픽 내의 5자리 숫자를 텍스트 필드에 입력하세요.
Annegret Kleiter


현재 적합한 상품이 없으신가요?

아무쪼록 서류를 보내주시기 바라며, 여러분의 많은 지원을 기다리고 있습니다.

신청서를 다음 주소로 이메일로 보내주세요:

Human Resources
Sturmbuehlstr. 180-184
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen

Reinhard Maier

I came to FELA at that time because of the printing on glass. I'm a trained screen printer and I like the challenges here every day. And in our team we get along great.

Reinhard Maier Team Leader Design Printing
Michael Vogel

Right now I really enjoy coming to work - we have a new boss, new colleagues, a lot of things are new.

Michael Vogel Glass manufacture
Galina Hahn

I've been doing this with pleasure for 30 years - FELA is already part of the family.

Galina Hahn Laboratory and outgoing goods inspection
Tomas Konta

I chose FELA because I was already totally convinced during the interview. I also find our glass products fascinating and would like to help shape the future for them.

Tomas Konta Internal Sales Systems
Sebastian Faust

We in the team always have fun. The best team at FELA.

Sebastian Faust Team leader glass manufacture and mechanics
Marvin Lorenz

I like the climate, the cohesion at FELA and the family atmosphere. We try to solve problems together and not work against each other.

Marvin Lorenz IT
Florian Schrenk

The decision-making paths at our company are very short. Anyone who wants to can take on responsibility. It's fun to actively drive the company forward yourself. We inspire our customers with our products.

Florian Schrenk Internal Sales Systems